Uw bemanning

crew - bemanning

Good day, my name is Maurits,

My crib was in Geleen and so I am a Dutchman. Or rather a Limburger in heart and soul. My father had a laundry. As a teenager I worked there myself for a while. Maybe it was predestined, because now I’m a laundry boss on board.

As a self-employed person, my parents certainly loved leisure time too. They crossed Holland aboard their motorboat. And my brothers, my sister and I were allowed to come along! Soon the mother ship had a whole fleet in tow. Sailing or motorised, all Dutch inland waterways were covered. The watermicrobe was stuck in my blood.

Schipper captain

My uncle was a engineer on seagoing ships. I certainly have an affinity with technology and engines, but navigation attracted me more. That’s how I ended up at the nautical college of Rotterdam.

One day a Belgian woman came to live at the boarding school of the nautical college. As outsiders in the heart of the Netherlands it clicked between Limburg and Belgium, although I had to glue her with a plaster… I like to tell you the rest on board!

Did you know :

after years of heavy smoking, I quit?

I am more and more interested in birds and now find out how to photograph them?

I’ m an early bird that makes coffee and tea ready in the morning.

You won’t see it, but all the small jobs I do in the spare time

while you’re sailing, you’re welcome to ask me questions. I like to give you the right answer and if I don’t know, I’ll make something up!

As a tough sailor, I’d rather have coffee than a pint…